The leading communications consultancy in German real estate

We help turn companies into brands,
followers into leaders,
and projects into success stories.

Feldhoff & Cie.  is the leading communications consultancy to the German real estate sector, serving our clients through our three core areas of specialised real estate expertise: Consulting, Communications, and Congress & Event Management.

The company, founded in 2003, brings a comprehensive and powerful network of excellent personal relationships among key players and decision-makers across the European real estate sector, as well as with leaders and influencers in all levels of government, in academia and in the media.

Our team of 30 experienced professionals works throughout the German-speaking world and beyond to serve client needs, with a rigorous focus on developing well-grounded, differentiating and highly targeted communications measures which generate real business results and competitive advantage for our clients.

Our strengths

Thanks to our extraordinarily powerful network, the depth of our industry knowledge, and our specialised expertise in every aspect of communications, Feldhoff & Cie. is not only a key service provider to the German real estate industry but also a significant player, helping to shape the industry’s future.

  • Superb industry knowledge
  • Powerful network among key decision-makers
  • Group 19 Specialised expertise and methodologies
  • Group 8 Extensive
    media network
  • Group 22 Leading roles in industry associations
  • Group 21 Strong international partners
  • Group 20 Comprehensive
    range of services
  • Group 18 Innovation

Real impact.

We are influential. Effective. We have significant impact on the industry which we serve – as trusted advisor to some of the most exciting names, as relentless driver of innovation, and active player and force for change in the industry’s leading associations and organisations.


Looking for our press releases? You can find all of them on our news page, as well as blog posts on our blog page.

Montano Real Estate und Beyond Real Estate Holding erwerben attraktives Single-Tenant-Bürogebäude in Mönchengladbach

München, 17. Juli 2024 – Die Montano Real Estate GmbH ("Montano",, hochspezialisierter Partner für Investitionen im Commercial Real Estate, hat mit Beyond Real Estate ein weiteres attraktives Objekt in das gemeinsame Gewerbeimmobilienportfolio aufgenommen.